Become the Person You Want to be

Imagine ... as Your Future Self

No longer being afraid of the next step … and in 6 weeks or less being able to step outside your comfort zone, challenge your personal limitations and unleash a more confident and beautiful version of you…


Your mission … should you choose to accept it is to break down your fears and personal limitations so you can breakthrough to living life with confidence and happiness.

Read MoreBiography
Mindset Coach Australia

Hi there.

I am super excited you are here and I am really looking forward to helping you uncover your real self, just the way I did.

Many people would consider my early life a nightmare, it being one of abject poverty and constant abuse, with complete abandonment by my whole family at 15½ years old when I came home to a completely empty house and everything I owned was gone.

While the torment and horror didn’t stop there, I refused to let that destroy me, or lessen the life I would live.  Instead I took my pain and suffering and used it, not only to motivate and drive me, but to unleash the real power and confidence within me.

Through my books, one on one coaching and personal development programs, I now teach others how to stop their past from defining how they live their present lives and to feel truly empowered … so they can unlock their own limitless potential too.

5 Step R.E.S.E.T. System by Pamela Millican


Where Are You Now

The first step to healing is to understand where you are now, why you want to change, what your triggers are, and how they are keeping you stuck.


Where do you want to be?

Mentoring will help you integrate your past, ignite your creativity, and help you define your purpose. Every successful person has some sort of coach to guide their growth, and that’s a statement!


Set a clear intention on how you are going to make those changes and stay focused and committed when life gets challenging.


Go deeper into why you want to change

Now is the time to embody the changes and allow your goals to take shape so that real progress becomes possible.


Let the transformation begin

Finally, we create a step-by-step process to take positive action towards your goals and create momentum to maintain the results you truly want.

Are You Ready To Start Your Journey?


Making broken beautiful: From tragedy and trauma to badass, wealth and success.

In this book I teach you how to feel truly empowered, by showing you how to unlock your own limitless potential, and be unbeatable too.


Abundance is here for all of us. Use adversity to grow your best you!

Abundance is here for all of us, but many of us allow our programming to stop that abundance from manifesting in our lives.


Stop going, doing and chasing!
book a free call with pam

We keep ourselves stuck in a variety of ways, because we think we need to be perfect.

What People Are Saying About Me

I am deeply grateful for the way Pam’s teaching has opened my eyes to understanding not just myself, but human nature in general. I was able to put practical guidance into practice, but it also gave me deeper knowledge of how to create mental and emotional strength in myself.

Hannah Smith

Coffs Harbour

“What an incredible woman and what an extraordinary story. Such an inspiration. From the despairing depths of poverty to the height of achievements across such a broad range of topics.”

Sallyanne Gooley

Coffs Harbour

Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck

Sometimes we think we are too stuck to move, and we let fear keep us there.

I Wish I Were Perfect

I Wish I Were Perfect

We try so hard to be perfect and often measure ourselves against impossible yardsticks – what would happen if you suddenly decided not to?

Womens Magazines

Womens Magazines

Love yourself exactly as you are because to want to be like everyone else is a waste of the uniqueness that you are. Theres not another like you and that.

Ready to Reset & Commit